I have a neighbour 160m from a live full fibre pole with 4 unused ports. Property search does not bring fibre as being available . Is there a direct contact with the team that updates the service availability so that it can be ordered. They are very frustrated and seem to be at a dead end in openreach
Use the search facility and look for the FTTP team. The number has been posted lots of times so it should show up quite easily
Enter phone number or address if not BT customer and post results
Do you know if the neighbour is on the same Exchange as you, 160m could easily be the difference between two Exchange areas or even being serviced by two different Head Ends.
Thanks - Results below
I guessing Availability Date - Available means that it is planned and a date of service is available - how can I find out what that date is - months or years away?
FTTPoD is a business solution that costs a few thousand pounds just to get installed.
Residetial service is listed as WBC FTTP.
If you read the first line under the table it will state FTTP unavailable.