After a good wait I had my FFTP installed this week but not sure if it is correctly installed it took 2 hours to locate the old cable and ductwork even though the pit is at the edge of my property in the footpath
The contractors then dug a hole in the lawn 8-9 metres from the house just under 1 metre deep to the duct and broke it open and pulled the fibre from the pit to the hole in the duct
then trenched the cable snake like through the lawn to the nearest exterior wall and installed through to the house from there the cable must be no more than 10 cm under the lawn (certainly if you put a garden fork in the lawn you would be hitting it)is this correct and done to the standard required for this the fibre cable
any advice appreciated does anyone from open reach come out and check these installations are done to a standard required?
Good thing hitting nearly 150 download speed