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Message 1 of 7

Fibre into home.

Received em from BT.

:This is big.
Full Fibre has arrived at your home.:

It goes on a bit about speeds etc.Shows a couple of diagrams ,cable from exchange to street box to home & from exchange direct to home.

Button available,click to upgrade.

Haven't seen anyone laying cables direct to home ,anyone else received this.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Fibre into home.

Sorry,i posted before i'd seen posts regarding this.However whyat is a openreach ont.
0 Ratings
Message 3 of 7

Re: Fibre into home.

In simple terms it's a device that converts the light signal from the fibre optic cable into data signal the router can understand and vice vresa.

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 7

Re: Fibre into home.


Haven't seen anyone laying cables direct to home ,anyone else received this.

You won't have, the final part from the street to the house is done once an order is placed

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 7

Re: Fibre into home.

Thanks everyone for the replies.I have fibre through my BT Hub 5 .Haven't had any issues with it.Just thought i'd take a look regarding the em.Having found other things on the net regarding having this done.I.E. an engineer coming to install a couple of units,i think these are the ont things.But the biggest problem would be the cables.I live in a small complex,built on private land owned by the Church.

The street box is around 100 the proverbial crow flys-150 mtrs if you follow the entrance roads to where i'm located.That would mean breaking up entrance roads,church car packing areas,foot paths & garden areas.To much hassle & upheaval. I imagine they would also require permission from the Church authorities to allow them to do all this.My current setup is fine so on reflection i won't be taking this offer up.

Thanks again.Cheers.
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Message 6 of 7

Re: Fibre into home.

How does the phone line get to the property? If by underground duct and through an outside wall then the same duct would be used for fibre, no digging needed. If overhead then again the fibre would be installed that way.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Fibre into home.

Hadn't given that much thought but thinking about it now,they would obviously have to protect the cables.they come up & through the wall.

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