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Flashing blue lights

For some reason my home hub (I have 4 discs) decided to show a combination of red and blue flashing lights overnight and I had to reconfigure the whole system. Having discovered the admin password is right at the bottom of the details on the pull out from the disc, and not the rather more obvious password/key I got cracking, but had the same problem as others with a blue flashing light rather than solid blue one when configuring. 

The answer for me was to turn everything off, disconnect all the discs and then re-set the factory default (with a needle on the back of the disc) on the first disc connected to the router (now switched back on). Then worked my way through the others, a couple of the discs didn't have a problem but the 4th had the same issue. I finally got it going by repeating the factory default re-set on the back and it came on solid.

The app is pretty useless when you don't have reliable mobile coverage like me, you seem to have to repeat the same thing sometimes, also needs patience so plenty of cups of tea are recommended.

Hope that helps someone - I was on the point of giving up on the 4th disc but finally got there...

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