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Message 1 of 3

Free-standing caller display with names as well as numbers?

The previous post about Caller Display made me wonder ... does anyone know if it's possible to get a free-standing caller display unit,  i.e. not built into a phone,  that can be programmed to display a name as well as / instead of a number?    Although BT said,  when Caller Display was first introduced  ( sometime late 90s ...? ),  that this was going to be a standard feature,   it never seemed to be available at the time,  and I just thought they'd ditched the idea.    I didn't even know it was available on certain phones nowadays,  but since I use the old-style 8782 phones,  it would have to be free-standing,  if anything.    Mind you,  even then,  that's if it wouldn't put the total REN number too high to allow the phones to ring  ( already a problem ...!! ).

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Free-standing caller display with names as well as numbers?

Have you tried an Internet search? Plenty of stand alone units available.

I searched for "caller display unit BT" and there were plenty of results. 

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Free-standing caller display with names as well as numbers?

To clarify:  it's not that I've had trouble finding Caller Display units  -  I have a CD1000 sitting in front of me right now  -  it's that I've had trouble finding ones that display both name and number,  and don't have a REN of 50.    Or have I just not looked in the right place?

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