Message 1 of 3

Fttp Broadband

Over the past 4  weeks Openreach have been installing fibre cable on our estate roads, and a lot of local residents were looking forward to upgrading to FTTP and it was assumed that they would be able to keep their ISP which range over BT, Sky, Talk Talk, Zen and Plusnet etc. It transpired that living in East Yorkshire that KCom is expanding outside Hull to our area and we have all had a letter saying Kcom will be introducing fibre internet to our estate. It appears that Openreach are installing fibre cable for Kcom and BT will not be laying a 2nd cable for FTTP fibre as it will not be worth their while. This means that to have FTTP we will be forced to leave our existing ISPs to go to Kcom, which will be a monoply.

In addition when copper cable is made redundant starting 2025, then all the internet fast or slow will be via Kcom and all the present ISPs will disappear, can this be right, I ask? The other question is some BT contracts have the condition that FTTP will be installed free when available, if BT are not installing FTTP for the forseeable future would the BT customers have to pay an exit contract fee for FTTP by the only supplier that is not BT.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Fttp Broadband

Sounds like a question for Kcomm, try Help Centre | KCOM (kcomhome.com)

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Fttp Broadband

Openreach only install their own FTTP AFAIK. It is possible Kcom are also rolling out FTTP.

VDSL will still be available after 2025 as it is only the PSTN service which is being retired.

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