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Message 1 of 9

Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

Hi all, 

I know similar questions have been posted here in the past but there aren't specific steps as to how to solve this problem.

I am looking up Full Fibre availability both at BT and Openreach websites. They both give me availability for the building or the next door flat but not for mine. For example, it's possible to order Full Fibre for 19/21  but not 19/20 , which makes no sense.

I am moving into this flat and the previous tenants had virgin media only. The exchange is just across the street so I assume we are directly connected to it, no cabinet.

I just ordered Fttp using the building number only but I am afraid that will create problems later.

Is there any established way to solve this kind of problem?

Should I just wait for the Openreach engineer visit?Does anyone know if they will be able to put the correct address installation into the system?

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

FTTP assuming it is that and not FTTC does not come from the exchange or the street cabinet

try phoning FTTP team 08005874787 and see what they say 

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

Thank you,

I know that, I added that information just to give the hole picture. FTTC is not available in the area anyway. It's partly the reason I want to go for FTTP.

I called the FTTP team at 08005874787 and they suggested I need to set up standard broadband first. It didn't make sense to me as exactly FTTP has nothing to do with standard broadband or the old copper cable that still exists in the flat. Also I am not sure who else to contact.

I just don't understand why on the same floor one flat is marked FTTP ready on the Openreach database and the next door flat is not.


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Message 4 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

As you don't have a phone line you will not appear on openreach database but use your address and post results.

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Message 5 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

That's for the flat next door:


And this one is for mine:




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Message 6 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

You need to get a phone line installed so you appear on the openreach database and then take it from there

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Message 7 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

Thanks, I will give it a try.

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

@HaKo While you're at it, I suggest you remove your address from your opening post as this is a public forum!

Message 9 of 9

Re: Full Fibre available next door flat but not for mine

My second attempt with the Fttp team was successful.

Apparently there was a problem with the Openreach database which they solved by raising an ORDI request without the need for installing a standard line first as the first representative suggested.

I just wanted to post the solution in case someone faces the same issue in the future.