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Message 1 of 3

Getting Fibre to the property

I am on FTTC. Fibre arrived to the end of my farm drive earlier this summer. I chatted to the guys splicing it in to the chamber that had been made earlier in the year. They came up the drive to see how they would be getting fibre up to the farm properties. I live in the farmhouse and the old farm barns are now converted to properties. The barn conversions have ducting for  the copper cable up to the barns from the chamber at the end of the drive but my house being the original property has the copper cable taken up to overhead cables to my house.

When BT turned on fibre to the properties it did so only for the barn conversions not for the farmhouse both exactly the same distance from the fibre connection. When my neighbours started getting their ONT's fitted I had a socially distanced chat with the BT engineer connecting their FTTP and asking if there was any particular reason why I couldn't have FFTP via the overhead cable ( the telephone pole has the fibre CBT ready and connected). He said there was no reason at all. Same distance all ready to connect to fibre network. He said perhaps Openreach were not aware and had forgot to open provision for my property.

Is there a way for a BT customer to contact and give a gentle prod to Openreach to say 'hey guys can you update your database to say this property is ready for fibre to the property' and then I can sign up. 

Any ideas folks

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Getting Fibre to the property

Give the FTTP team a call 0800 587 4787

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Getting Fibre to the property

OK will give them a try tomorrow thanks
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