Message 1 of 3

Halo 2 and mini-hubs

My broadband is down at the moment due to (according to MyBT) a major service outage due to planned engineering work in the area. It also says that 'Broadband Backup is unavailable'.

Now this begs a number of questions:

  1. if this is planned works, why could there not be a warning? I was halfway through a Skype meeting when everything just went off - if I'd known of the 'planned' works I could have rearranged the meeting.
  2. I have Halo 2 and some time ago BT sent me a minihub; I assume that the unavailable backup is the reason that the minihub is providing no internet, If that's the case, what is the point of paying for Halo if it doesn't provide the backup I'm paying for?
  3. in relation to the above, if the backup was available, would the minihub have been enabled automatically or would I have to report a fault, despite the fact that BT know of the planned works and that I pay for Halo?
  4. since the minihub works on the BT 4G network - just as the mobile hotspot I'm currently using does - why is the latter available when the service backup isn't?
  5. I suspect I won't go over my data limit using the hotspot but if I did, should BT not compensate me for that as they have failed to deliver the service through the minihub?
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Message 2 of 3

Re: Halo 2 and mini-hubs

Ring 0800 800 150, ask for the Halo backup to be enabled or sent if you don't already have one, an MSO is still a total loss of service.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Halo 2 and mini-hubs

I spent an hour waiting to report the issue; the battery ran out on my mobile. This is a service I pay extra for and I can't get a resolution. My point is, BT know I have Halo2, they know the service is out and do nothing for the extra I pay.

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