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Message 1 of 4

Help needed for an elderly neighbour


I'm hoping someone can advise me on a very difficult situation! 

For one reason and another my parents elderly neighbour is trying to switch providers to save some money. I have been helping out and initially begun the transfer to Sky for her, until I discovered it was a VOIP only phone service (no use as she has a lifeline support button attached to the phone line). We've since cancelled the switch to Sky and re-applied with Plusnet. All was going well until we received an email saying the transfer had been cancelled and the reason is because there is a cease order already on the line (I suspect Sky or BT haven't cancelled this off their system properly). My question is, who can I speak to to get this removed?

Unfortunately the lady in question is nearly 80 and has suspected Covid symptoms so I can't go and explain to her what is happening. She is quite ill so I don't want to cause her anymore further upset and confusion with this problem, but at the same time I suspect BT won't speak to me as I am not the account holder. Would it be worthwhile contacting BT and explaining the situation to see if they would call her to authorise me to deal with things on her behalf? I can't ask her to call BT as she wouldn't understand what she needs to tell them.

Any help or advice on what to do would be appreciated. 


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Message 2 of 4

Re: Help needed for an elderly neighbour

If it is a Plusnet account you are wanting you will need to speak/contact Plusnet. This is a BT retail forum.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Help needed for an elderly neighbour

Thanks for the comment, but as you will see from my post Plusnet have asked us to contact the current supplier to ask for any cease or open orders to be removed - the lady’s current supplier is BT!!

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Help needed for an elderly neighbour

It sounds like you've asked BT to cease the line, then tried to transfer to another provider.
You can't do a transfer or working line takeover when you've asked for the line to be terminated.

You will need to request the cease order cancelled, then wait 24 hours and contact plusnet again.

Alternatively you could negotiate a new deal with BT, if you're jumping between providers, I'm guessing the reason is purely financial.

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