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Message 1 of 7

High latency (ping spikes/packet loss) - Unable to play online Games


Over the past few weeks I've been unable to play online multiplayer Games without extreme spikes in my Ping every few minutes, sending my character flying across the map and relieving me of all control. Very frustrating.

We've had problems with our download speeds in the past (which BT doggedly addressed and fixed) but my Ping has always been fine. Now it will spike to over 1000ms every few minutes. This is happening in every online Game I've tried so far (BFV, Valorant, Back4Blood + more)

Download speeds seem pretty much unaffected @1.9MB/s

It's a wired connection (on BT Halo) and has been relatively stable for years. We are quite rural.

I was online with an advisor and as her tests didn't show an issue there was apparently nothing she could do.
I've tried everything I can think of my end (changing DNS, stopping network processes, Hub reset + many more) but the problem remains.

I do still have the contact info of a consumer resolution rep that helped us last time but as yet don't have a response, presumably due to having no case number at this time.

I will enclose some Hub data and a traceroute to some game servers. I hope someone can help. Thanks!


DSL uptime:12 days,19 Hours32 Mins33 Secs


Data rate:1.29 Mbps / 16.489 Mbps


Maximum data rate:1.696 Mbps / 19.713 Mbps


Noise margin:6.4 / 6.5


Line attenuation:42.0 / 31.7


Signal attenuation:34.5 / 26.0


Data sent / received:32.1 GB / 153.8 GB


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Message 2 of 7

Re: High latency (ping spikes/packet loss) - Unable to play online Games

Seems to be a congestion problem on the faraday core. I woulder what result you would get from a VPN which would bypass it.

There is an excellent free version HERE.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: High latency (ping spikes/packet loss) - Unable to play online Games

Thanks for your input. Just tried the VPN test and managed to play an entire round with no extreme ping spikes/rubberbanding. So it must be the BT connection.

Of course the VPN connection was far from perfect but proves the point.

I'm not sure how best to document and report this issue. The telephone advisor didn't seem interested as the tests on her end seemed clear.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: High latency (ping spikes/packet loss) - Unable to play online Games

Maybe I spoke too soon. Still seem to be having some issues even with the VPN.

Strange that the first round was relatively free of issues.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: High latency (ping spikes/packet loss) - Unable to play online Games

Can you post the pingplot result with the VPN?

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Message 6 of 7

Re: High latency (ping spikes/packet loss) - Unable to play online Games

Sure. Here are some more results with the VPN. The connection seemed more stable this time but still some high ping.
Thanks again.
(Edit- I'll try and get some shots of the network graph ingame also)

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Message 7 of 7

Re: High latency (ping spikes/packet loss) - Unable to play online Games

Here's a link to a screenshot of the VPN connection exhibiting similar issues.

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