Message 1 of 7

How do I complain?

I’m having problems registering a complaint with BT. In July I had an issue with BT Cloud, on calling the Cloud support line I was advised to contact their engineers using WhatsApp. I don’t have this and am surprised BT should require the use of such an app. I tried again, this time using another option and was asked to enter my ’phone number. I did and was told it had not been recognised; tried again and again the robot would not accept it. Next I tried “complaints” which the BT website claimed can be contacted by phone or email, but on reaching the site only a phone number was supplied. I tried this and following what I had considered to be the right route; Home phone / broadband / tech help and wound up with engineering.

Despite what it said, there was no email address but I did find one for Cloud Support on Google (btcloud.support@bt.com). Sent an email detailing my problems and heard nothing (this was 20th July). A day later I sent a subsequent e.mail and again no response. Consequently on 2nd of August, I wrote to the BT Correspondence Centre in Durham and have still to receive a response.

I now wish to take this to the Ombudsman but note their guidelines state I should wait 8 weeks after lodging a complaint, but even after writing and emailing no complaint has been raised. And the irony is, I have recently uprated to a package that supposedly includes enhanced support…

Can anyone give me an email address that will allow me to lodge a complaint with BT?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: How do I complain?

You can raise a complaint with any advisor you speak with, you can call 0800 800 150, if it's related to the BT Cloud, speak with the BT Cloud support team, then raise a complaint so it sits in the right department, billing for example can't help with BT Cloud issues.

Once the complaint is raised, BT will have 8 weeks or 56 days to resolve before you can seek alternative dispute resolution.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: How do I complain?

Thanks. I did initially try to get through to the BT Cloud Support team but could not get passed the robot that would not recognise my 'phone number. 

Emails and a letter were ignored but I have since made contact with BT through Facebook messenger.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: How do I complain?


Thanks. I did initially try to get through to the BT Cloud Support team but could not get passed the robot that would not recognise my 'phone number. 

Emails and a letter were ignored but I have since made contact with BT through Facebook messenger.

You can put any number in, it just recognises your number to help with possible queries, if you have an order in progress, you'd be offered the connections team, an existing open fault with offer you the help team, it's optional to enter a number though.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: How do I complain?

Thanks for coming back to me. I hear what you say but that is not what happened in this instance. I was told to enter my number, then advised that I did not have BT Cloud and could go no further.

Finally speaking with a BT agent put everything right, and I have been given an email address for future use. But I was disappointed that two previous emails and a letter were ignored.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: How do I complain?

Glad you got sorted in the end at least 🙂
You'll most likely be contacted in a few days with a response from the emails and letters, they won't be ignored but during busy periods BT would most likely prioritise faults or other service impacting cases over other concerns, the letters and emails will have time stamps so you ADR window is still followed.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: How do I complain?

I'd certainly like to think I was not ignored (and will post again when anything is heard from BT).

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