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Message 1 of 5

How do I enter the plus sign on my BT4600 handset?

I have a BT4600. The manual says that the zero key also maps to the plus sign but when entering a number in the phone book I just get zeros, regardless of how many times I press it.

I want to enter a Canadian number. I realise I can enter 001 ..... as the prefix instead of the + but that only applies to outgoing calls as 00 is the exit code for UK. When that number calls me from Canada it will be sent as 011 .... as that is the exit code from Canada, so my phone and my call blocker won't recognise it.

Any ideas?


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Message 2 of 5

Re: How do I enter the plus sign on my BT4600 handset?


I think you will find that the capital letter P is substituted for the plus sign. I just tried in on my BT4600, and holding down the zero button for about two seconds, inserts the letter P. I tried this when adding a new test contact to the phone to see what happened.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: How do I enter the plus sign on my BT4600 handset?


Actually, that just entered a pause.

You may be better ringing the product helpdesk.


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Message 4 of 5

Re: How do I enter the plus sign on my BT4600 handset?

Ah, thank you.

I noticed that happen once. It must be, as you say, when you hold the button down as opposed to tap it quickly as you do when entering the letters assigned to the same key.

Do you think that will also get round the issue of the number I dial to reach Canada not being the same as the number I receive when the person calls me. from Canada?  i.e. I will send 001 ... but they will send 044...  when they reply, so how will my phone know its the same person?

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Message 5 of 5

Re: How do I enter the plus sign on my BT4600 handset?

Oh (:-(
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