Message 1 of 9

Hybrid Connect Box

I have just received the BT Hybrid box box that connects to the EE Mobile Network.  I have set this up.  The central  light on Hybrid box is blue  but the 4G signal bars are flashing red which I understand this is not connected to the mobile network.  Does anyone know how to get the 4G signal bars to change to blue?  After set up I unplugged ethernet cable from the Smart Hub and changed to another location close to smart hub  but still flashing red!

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

Presumably there is no EE 4G signal at your location. Moving closer to the hub won't help, you perhaps need to try close to a window.

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

Thanks for your response.

I now have one blue bar on the hybrid, I have tried various locations by a window close to the hub but still only one blue bar.

My mobile is with EE and I have 4G but it's intermittent.  In this case is worth having the Hybrid box?  What do you think?

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

There are sockets on the unit for an external antenna. Maybe worth looking into?
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Message 5 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

Sorry can you explain this further?

Also any idea why the lights on the Smart Hub turn purple. when lights on the smart hub turn purple I cant access the internet on my PC which uses wi-fi?

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Message 6 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

@andreaferns120472 wrote:

Sorry can you explain this further?

To improve the 4G signal, you can purchase an external aerial to plug into the Hybrid unit.

Also any idea why the lights on the Smart Hub turn purple. when lights on the smart hub turn purple I cant access the internet on my PC which uses wi-fi?

Purple light on the Smart Hub indicates you have a line fault, which is presumably why you have a Hybrid unit, to restore connection.


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Message 7 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

My EE Hybrid hub has been on 3 flashing red lights now for 15 days! I have had umpteen calls to BT who its like talking to a brick wall about! My dog knows more about the EE hub then anyone I.ve spoken to! EE refuses to talk to me as I am with BT so technically not with EE ! I am paying for Halo 3+ so called 'unbreakable' but should my broadband go off the EE Hub will not 'click in' as, according to the back of the hub and the info pamphlet, it is NOT connected to the network!! I'm at my wits end as if BB/wifi goes out I will have no wifi, no mobile (as with EE via BT) and no landline as I'm sadly one of those changed over , before BT realised what a **bleep** idea it was, on landline via BB! So how do I get in touch with BY then? Any one from BT of actually who understands the problem is with EE not BT can HELP???
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Message 8 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

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Message 9 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Box

Doing so in hopes of getting some help from other posters on other Threads Carlusha.
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