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Message 1 of 5

I was about to place order but contract gives different speeds than offer .

Good day. 


I was about to place order as wanted to change my current provider to something decent and I saw BT offer on their website. 


See screenshot:



So I took this offer wich was made on my postcode + landline.


Add my details and before checkout page I got this information:


It's like 20% less than offer page was offering. Estimate download, upload and stay fast .


It's confusing at this point. 

These are my current DSL stats:


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Message 2 of 5

Re: I was about to place order but contract gives different speeds than offer .

What speed do you get now? You will get the same speed if you change provider as you will be using the same pair of wires. Anything else you see is just an estimate.

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 5

Re: I was about to place order but contract gives different speeds than offer .

Thanks for the reply. 


About the providers and speeds. As you say about speeds are not entirely correct.

Few years ago when I changed provider to what I have now I've lost for an about 30% of speed .

I had download rate in average between 69-76Mbps ( that's what I actually get) and max rate at dsl stats in router 118Mbps down and 23Mbps up. 

Here is some log.

new line speed.PNG

Current provider has slower speeds also ping has been increased from 7 to 23 with no usage. 


So providers has their profiles and setups and it changes how line transfer .

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Message 4 of 5

Re: I was about to place order but contract gives different speeds than offer .

Looking at your previous and current stats there is room for G.INP to kick in and improve your speeds. This is an automatic process which will take about 10 days.

Message 5 of 5

Re: I was about to place order but contract gives different speeds than offer .

From what you posted your estimated connection (not download) speed was 67/73mb and stats show currently 66.4mb and as @pippincp  posted should improve when G.INP kicks in

The previous very high attainable speeds was at a time there were fewer customers on your cabinet.  I had a similar experience as I was one of first on my can and had very high attainable which has eroded like yours as more people added

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