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Message 1 of 2

IP Camera stream to YouTube

Go to solution


I setup an IP camera in our local church to stream Sunday masses to YouTube. We move our broadband to BT and since doing this I cannot get the camera connected to YouTube.

The camera is configured on the LAN and I can connect to it and can configure the camera using the IP address and internet browser.  I have also setup port forwarding on the router so I can connect to the camera remotely which is working fine as I can access the camera from home.  The camera also has an application I use on my mobile phone  which also allows me to connect and view the camera. The only thing I cannot get to work is the RTMP stream to YouTube which was working fine with the pervious broadband provider. Setting up the RTMP link from the camera to Youtube is straightforward. 

I have checked the Youtube stream URL and stream key is correct (no reason this should have changed)  and I have renewed the key to rule this out. The only thing I can think is that the router is possibly blocking the RTMP traffic/stream to YouTube. Everything else is working.

Any help would be apricated. We have been unable to stream and masses since we switched service.








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Message 2 of 2

Re: IP Camera stream to YouTube

Go to solution


I managed to get the camera working by changing the DNS server address from the default to google.



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