Message 1 of 124

IP camera

Hi, I wasn't sure where to ask this question.

I've got a bird box IP camera. A company called cam secure are going to host it for me. However, they require some information first.

"What we need is the public IP address or the DNS name e.g. if you set up a DNS name then we can use that instead of the public IP if public IP is dynamic.

If you can forward either the public IP if it is fixed or the DNS name if you have then we will try again."


I have already forwarded the ports 8899, which correspond with the camera. I am with no IP so can create a DDNS.

However, I'm not sure how I marry up the DDNS address with my account.

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123 REPLIES 123
Message 2 of 124

Re: IP camera


Who provides your broadband connection?

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Message 3 of 124

Re: IP camera

I'm with BT broadband

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Message 4 of 124

Re: IP camera

@Ironside wrote:

I'm with BT broadband

Which BT home hub are you using?

Assuming you are a residential user, then you will have a dynamic public IP address, and will need to use a DDNS service which is supported by the home hub you are using.


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Message 5 of 124

Re: IP camera

If using a Smart Hub2, go to Advanced settings > Broadband > Dynamic DNS If you enable the service, a drop down list of supported providers is shown if you click in the 'service' box.

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Message 6 of 124

Re: IP camera

I subscribe to. No IP and I actually run a software defined radio which is accessible online. In theory, the bird box camera shouldn't be any different in the way it t up. I just can't work out where I'm going wrong.


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Message 7 of 124

Re: IP camera

I'm not familiar with DDNS services, but wonder if they allow multiple services on one account.

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Message 8 of 124

Re: IP camera

Try a different provider for the camera, using a free trial to see if that works ok.

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Message 9 of 124

Re: IP camera

@Ironside wrote:

I subscribe to. No IP and I actually run a software defined radio which is accessible online. In theory, the bird box camera shouldn't be any different in the way it t up. I just can't work out where I'm going wrong.


I can see the SDR. Pity about the QRM.

You can create multiple hosts on the "paid for" No IP service, but I think the home hub only supports one hostname.

That is not a problem because you can setup your camera on a different port, and the use the redirect option on No-IP, to point your extra host, to your existing SDR host, with the suffix port number at the end. 

See https://www.noip.com/support/knowledgebase/what-is-a-web-or-url-redirect/

Example assume camera is on port 81

New hostname

http://mycam.ddns.net      redirect to  http://g0vqy-kiwisdr.ddns.net:81

Remember to open incoming port 81 on the home hub and point it to the camera LAN address.

PS. I like your SDR 😀


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Message 10 of 124

Re: IP camera

If it's a free account which you have to renew every 30 days then you can't have multiple paths on one account.

If it's one you pay for your DDNS provider will tell you how many paths you can have for your plan. You just need to add the port number to the device address and set the device and port forwarding accordingly. For example http://( public IP address:port number)

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