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Message 1 of 4

Increasingly frequent line drops


I've been having line drop outs increasingly frequently - something like 4 or 5 this month alone, but have had drop outs on Thursday, Friday and now again this morning. Router updated to new firmware on 12 April, but there seems to have been one or two resyncs prior to that as well.

We has Gfast Superfast 1 installed last summer, and the connection has been really solid since - uptimes of 60 days or more, only having to reboot the router every two months or so when it seems like the router and the disc go out of sync and moving between the two isn't seamless.

Nothing in terms of wiring has changed in the house. Anecdotally, they seem to be occurring during the day on weekdays - Thursday was around 10.30am, Friday was 8.30 am and this morning's reconnection occurred around 11am. Nothing seems to be happening at the weekend or overnight.

Quiet line test is not showing any noise.

not sure what steps to follow to troubleshoot.

From the logs, they are always preceeded by this message

11:15:01, 19 Apr.
WAN connection WAN2_INTERNET_PTM disconnected.[ERROR_NO_CARRIER]


11:15:00, 19 Apr.
PPP: Stopped PPP daemon(0,1,5)


11:15:00, 19 Apr.
PPP LCP Send Termination Request (User request)


11:15:00, 19 Apr.
PPP: IPCP down


11:15:00, 19 Apr.
PPP: LCP down
0 Ratings
Message 2 of 4

Re: Increasingly frequent line drops

Router technical details (have just performed a router reset following the last line sync)

This is a list of your BT Smart Hub settings and current statistics.

Product code:Smart Hub 2


Serial number:xxxxx


Firmware version:v0.26.03.01286-BT


Firmware updated:Sun Apr 11 09:11:32 2021


Board version:R01


GUI version:1.74 12_11_2020


DSL uptime:0 days,00 Hours12 Mins02 Secs


Data rate:29.375 Mbps / 159.172 Mbps


Maximum data rate:66.120 Mbps / 245.619 Mbps


Full Fibre (FTTP) Mode:Off


Noise margin:14.6 / 14.1


Line attenuation:0.0 / 32.9


Signal attenuation:0.0 / 32.9


VLAN id:101


Upstream error control:Off


Downstream error control:Off


Data sent / received:3.8 MB Uploaded  / 22.4 MB Downloaded




BT Wi-fi:Activated


2.4 GHz wireless network name:BT-JTA3CF


2.4 GHz wireless channel:Channel: 6


5 GHz wireless network name:BT-JTA3CF


5 GHz wireless channel:Smart (Channel48)


Wireless security:WPA2 (Recommended)


Wireless mode:Mode 1




MAC address:0C:8E:29:7E:24:8C


Software variant:-


Boot loader:0.1.7-BT (Thu Nov 30 09:45:22 2017)
0 Ratings
Message 3 of 4

Re: Increasingly frequent line drops

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 4

Re: Increasingly frequent line drops

Have spoken to customer services, engineer booked for Wednesday and have factory reset the hub.

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