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Message 1 of 19

Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?  We have an intermittent fault on our line, which we first reported 11 months ago.  Openreach has been out numerous times since then.  They have changed everything at the exchange.  They have rewired from the pole outside the house to the house and internally.  BT has provided a new homehub.  None of this has fixed the problem.  Openreach engineers that have been to the property and BT call centre staff have suggested it therefore must be an issue with the copper wiring between our house and the exchange (we are a rural property so no fibre in our area yet).  I get that clearly Openreach does not want the expense of rewiring to our house given its rural location, but surely there is some duty of care to solve the issue?  We have noise on the line, our broadband is unstable, it drops often and particularly when someone phones, we have speeds of a mere 0.4Mb download and 1.2Mb upload.  Over the last month, I have called BT 6 times (25 Feb, 5 Mar, 9 Mar, 12 Mar, 23 Mar, 25 Mar) and on each occasion I was given an appointment for an Openreach engineer to come out to the house. Frustratingly, no Openreach engineer has ever come out on any of those 6 occasions and no explanation is ever given.  On 27 March I phoned again to ask for an update, and was told that there was something wrong with the system.  BT phoned back later that day and on 29th Mar to make an appointment for me, but the system did not allow.  I was told they would phone back.  That was a week ago and still 11 months on I am paying for a phone and broadband package which is not fit for purpose.  I anyone else experiencing such appalling customer service?  Any advice on what I should do, other than the obvious "finding of a better provider"? 

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Message 2 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Does your phone work?

Another provider unless Virgin would use the same phone line so would not solve your intermittent problems

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Message 3 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Hi @EdwardO,

Thank you for posting. I can understand your frustration and I'm sorry that the fault on your line hasn't been repaired. If you send me your details, I'll be able to give you a hand.

I have sent you a private message with instructions on how to contact the team.  You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages



Message 4 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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As correctly observed elsewhere,  all other providers except Virgin use the same outside equipment which would therefore be subject to the same fallibility,  and to the vagaries of Openreach who are ultimately always going to be responsible for repairing and maintaining that equipment regardless of which provider you pay your bills to.    Based on my own experience,  yes,  BT Customer Service is,  by and large,  shocking;   but it's entirely hit-and-miss whether you'll achieve any better elsewhere,  not least precisely because it all comes back to Openreach in the end.    At one time,  changing providers represented somewhat  ( although even then,  only somewhat )  of a threat to any given provider;   nowadays,  if you threaten to change provider,  they're basically laughing up their sleeves at you because they know you may well end up as bad or worse off.    This,  of course,  is to say nothing of the fact that one of the two most prevalent causes of complaint on this forum is the porting of numbers between providers;   if that's part of your equation,  I would definitely think twice before jumping ship,  as dire as BT Customer Service is.

Two things,  I think,  bear thinking about.    Firstly,  if Openreach  ( as opposed to BT or any other single provider )  were held accountable,  by anyone,  for anything,  ever,  it might all be a very different story.    However,  for all practical intents and purposes,  and for whatever reason,  Openreach are effectively invulnerable.

Secondly:  to give credit where due,  the moderators on here are,  for the most part,  helpful in these matters,  and can sometimes succeed in resolving issues where the standard BT Customer Service channel has failed  ( sometimes,  as in your case,  spectacularly ).    ( Due attention being paid to the words  'for the most part'  and  'sometimes' ).     I myself have benefitted from such intervention on one occasion.    However,  what does it say about a multi-million-pound company such as BT  ( a )  that their normal  Customer Service channels are so bad that it falls to the moderators on a public forum  -  which not everyone even knows exists  -  to step in to resolve an issue;   and  ( b )  that despite the fact that this has been the case for a very long time now,  still the Customer Service complaints come pouring in and still the level of that service doesn't improve?

"Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT"?    Spend some time thumbing through this forum,  and then as our American cousins have it,  you do the math.

Message 5 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Thanks imjolly - unfortunately as I suspect it is a phone line issue and Virgin does not supply to my postcode yet, I am stuck until Openreach sort it out...
Message 6 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Many thanks PaddyB - that is helpful of you. I have sent you a private message.
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Message 7 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Many thanks Firefox1701 for the detailed message, which has confirmed my fears - as Virgin does not supply to my postcode yet I am at the mercy of Openreach... I have phoned BT again this morning as they once again closed my Fault on Sunday (easier to do than to fix, and prevents it from clocking up too many days as being unfixed) - they said they would send another engineer as they can see that my internet drops out daily, multiple times. Let us see if they come out this time...
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Message 8 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Leave it to the mods now, you will only muddy the waters if you make further contact with customer services. The mods will pick up your case when it reaches the top of their queue and will stick with it to resolution.

Message 9 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Hi @EdwardO ,

To answer your question, there is clearly another person having bad service as there in evrything.

However, bear in mind the relatively few people commenting on problems here compared with the millions of customers BT has and it paints a totally different picture.

I had cause to ring BT over two queries recently and both were answered almost immediately and both resolved immediately.  I suspect many customers get this response and never have any cause to come to a forum like this.

Message 10 of 19

Re: Is anyone else experiencing truly shocking customer care from BT?

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Hi @EdwardO, thanks for taking my call earlier today and confirming that the engineer arrived this morning and repaired the fault. He had located a joint that water was getting into and fixed this.



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