Hello there, I'm having a number of issues that seem to be related to the router lately.
I have an orginal Smart Hub and Full Fibre.
These things together make for a pretty annoying experience, is there a way to get a new router or something, or are these known issues?
if you have the SH1/hh6 then have you split the networks as that often helps wifi connections. did you use a wifi analyser on your phone to select best channels for your connections? have you tried changing the wireless mode for default 1 to either 2 or 3
have you turned of smart setup
have you split the networks
Yep, been running split SSIDs and the channels with the lowest interference right from the start. It doesn't seem to be a signal issue.
Not sure I've tried Mode 2 though, will give that one a try! (don't have a problem disabling ac wireless since the 5ghz is shot anyway).
Can confirm that Mode 2 doesn't help at all.