Message 1 of 7

Is this right?

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Ok so I was going to do a little bit of streaming the other night there. I figured I'm paying nearly £50 a month for fibre so I thought it should be fine. Turns out my upload couldn't even handle a webcam at 360p. So I logged on here to check my account and the details. This is what I found:



Am I wrong or is that not quite a bit below what I'm guaranteed for download and considerably lower than what is advised for upload? Yet the app is saying all is as expected.

I don't know, after I tried streaming I was considering upgrading my fibre as I assumed that it must just be the £44 a month package isn't enough but now that I've logged on and had a look it seems to me that I'm not actually getting what I'm paying for.

If anyone can help me clear this up I'd very much appreciate it. I mean am I right in saying that something isn't right here and should I take it up with support or am I somehow reading it all wrong and should I just fork out an extra £13 a month for the next package up?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Is this right?

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welcome to the BT community forum where customers help customers and only BT employees are the forum mods

in order for the forum members to help please can you post the stats from your router (if hub enter in your browser) and if  HH5 then go to troubleshooting then helpdesk and if HH6/SH2 then advanced settings then technical log information . 

Have you tried the quiet line test? - dial 17070 option 2 - should hear nothing - best done with a corded phone. if cordless phone you may hear a 'dull hum' which is normal


enter your phone number and post results  remember to delete number   https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL

Someone may then be able to offer help/assistance/suggestions to your problem

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Is this right?

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Well, thanks for responding and for the welcome but really it would help if you could just answer the question I asked before trying to get me to diagnose the system.

I posted an image which contains details of the speeds I should be receiving from the package that I'm paying for and a speed test showing what I am actually receiving. To me it looks like I'm not receiving what I am paying for and to boot it appears like BT is trying to pass it off in the speed test as what is "expected".

Now bear in mind I am not looking for assistance in correcting any issue. That's BTs job and believe me if it turns out that they aren't providing what I am paying for I will hold their feet to the fire making sure that they do that job... but before I open up on them though I decided to come here to make sure that I am not reading it wrong... so I'll ask the question again:

"Am I right in saying that something isn't right here and should I take it up with support or am I somehow reading it all wrong and should I just fork out an extra £13 a month for the next package up?"

It's a basic yes/no question. Either it's yes I am right that the speed test result are not what should be expected for my money or no the speed test results are fine and I'm just reading it all wrong.
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Message 4 of 7

Re: Is this right?

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Obviously it's not right.

But if you do what @imjolly has suggested then members here can point you in the right direction to get your issue solved. That's one of the very good things about this community.

Seeing the HH stats tells us quite alot actually so well worth posting them.

Not applicable
Message 5 of 7

Re: Is this right?

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Obviously on face value it is wrong but it will add weight to your argument if you follow the advice offered by @imjolly before contacting BT 

Message 6 of 7

Re: Is this right?

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@bobleonheart wrote:

"Am I right in saying that something isn't right here and should I take it up with support Yes or am I somehow reading it all wrong and should I just fork out an extra £13 a month for the next package up?" No.


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Message 7 of 7

Re: Is this right?

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Thank you for all the responses. I appreciate that everyone that responded did so in an aid to help me with the issue that I'm having with the service I'm receiving although I feel that the intent in my post may have actually been missed initially. I wasn't asking how I might solve the issue I was asking whether or not I was misreading the issue... that BT were failing to provide the service that they charge me quite a large amount of money for. That question was answered by the post that I've marked as the accepted solution and I thank the user for stating it as plainly as he did. Now that I am sure that the issue hasn't been misread I feel more confident in contacting BT and ensuring not only that they correct the issue (as I pay them to) but also that they look into  ensuring that the speed test on the app does not give misleading information (i.e. A bold green message stating that the results are as expected when they clearly are not given the package that I pay for.)

And like I say I appreciate that everyone simply wanted to help me get the issue sorted and I am sorry for being so blunt in my response to those attempts but I am strongly of the opinion that while a community of people who wish to help others is a fine thing to have in these days it's also important that we try to ensure that these companies who we pay for services actually provide those services. I'm not paying you guys to provide and maintain my broadband services... that is BTs job. A job that I am paying them as I have said before a rather large sum of money for on a regular basis.

I have now contacted BT support and after having gone through the usual steps of checking the line and so forth have arranged an appointment for an engineer to come to my property on Saturday. Once the engineer has visited if the problem persists I will update this post to explain what happened but if it is actually necessary for me to do that I will be in the process of moving my broadband connection over to a company who is more reliable. It was only 2 months ago when I encountered an issue where my hub was damaged and stop working following a lightning bolt striking my house which took 3 weeks to get solved... when they eventually sent me a new hub like I requested on my first phone call to them. This was after having called and spoken to support no less than 4 times and being told on 3 of those occasions that an engineer would be coming out. Honestly to this day I have never even seen an engineer let alone had one come to my door like they promised those 3 times.

You guys are all doing a great job here helping people maintain their connections but I'm not sure if you aren't actually simply taking up the workload that BT should be handling and making it easier for them to get away with being **bleep**e at what they are supposed to be doing.

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