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Message 1 of 4

Issues with my local FTTP Rollout in a rural area

I have been having some issues with Openreach in regards to our local areas FTTP rollout plan. We live in a rural area hence why it has taken this long for fibre to arrive. 

6-7 months ago we noticed many openreach employees installing fibre products on telephone poles nearby. Upon asking them, they were confident that we would all be getting fibre within a matter of months.

2-3 months ago, some of my neighbours (who are only a 20/30 metres away) have been connected up to FTTP, but our address along with a few others near us, still show as fibre unavailable on the BT wholesale website and the openreach website.

I have also checked website which normally provides dates and extra internal details but it also shows no fibre available for the entire cabinet (which i know is not true as several neighbours are now connected to FTTP - although they still show as being on the same cabinet as us).

I have sent off three emails to openreach support explaining in a lot of detail the situation, just to get three emails sent back exactly the same saying that there are no fibre plans for our cabinet. There is no real contact either to have an open dialog with as these emails are no-reply.

I have also tried going via bt fibre community and got as far as inserting the local addresses who are on the same cabinet. This has been stuck at ball-park costing for half a year now. Interestingly, in my community portal, a handful of the address now show as supporting FTTP.


We are hoping to be passing by a BT/Openreach engineer van in the local area to ask what is going on but wondering if anyone can share any tips or options for us?

One more thing to note, which i'm not sure is causing issues or not. Some of the addresses on the cabinet (us included) do not have an active phone-line as we are using a local satellite broadband provider and have switched to VOIP phones quite a while ago. I can't find much information online to determine if this is an issue or not.



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Message 2 of 4

Re: Issues with my local FTTP Rollout in a rural area


FTTP does not come from a cabinet. Only Openreach will be able to give you some idea of the rollout, as this forum is just a BT Retail Customer Forum, and has nothing to do with Openreach, who are the ones providing the infrastructure to be sold to service providers.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Issues with my local FTTP Rollout in a rural area


Hi Keith,


Thanks for you're quick reply. I was aware fttp doesn't come from the cabinet but thought they might be upgrading a whole cabinet at once or have some interaction with the cabinet, but thanks for clarifying.

Was actually just hoping for some tips on how to get in contact with a human at openreach or someone at bt fibre community, other than the standard email form.



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Message 4 of 4

Re: Issues with my local FTTP Rollout in a rural area

Is it Solely funded by BT/Openreach or is it BDUK Funded FTTP?

If it’s the latter you need to contact your local authority for help.

Ref to asking a passing Openreach Engineer. Let me assure you, they’ll know less than you. If you think Openreach keep all their Employees updated as to what’s happening with FTTP Build in their area I can vouch they don’t! 

In fact more often than not most Openreach Engineers don’t know a location has gone live for FTTP until they physically see the same Fibre Equipment as you.

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