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Message 11 of 14

Re: Mismatched max upload sync and low data rate on new connection?

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Thanks all 

(Bing for G.INP seems to have a very relevant first hit: - thanks for mentioning it )

But because that's likely/possibly not in the cabinet that I'm served from I'll not get too excited.

As long as my connection floats up to the current technical limit, not an incorrect package limit, I'll be happy. 

Is  a 6dB noise margin the default target?


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Message 12 of 14

Re: Mismatched max upload sync and low data rate on new connection?

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Yes 6dB is target.

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Message 13 of 14

Re: Mismatched max upload sync and low data rate on new connection?

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My final question I think ...

What is the maximum data rate quoted? Is it the data rate with 0dB noise margin??

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Message 14 of 14

Re: Mismatched max upload sync and low data rate on new connection?

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No, it's the estimated maximum rate possible with the current SNR target. The default for up & down is 6dB but as low as 3dB can be used for downstream only on Huawei cabinets.
If interleaving is active on a line it distorts the maximum attainable figure though and will usually make it appear artificially high.