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Message 41 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

Uggggh I couldn’t be less bothered with BT TV at this point. Now my bloody Boost (which should have stayed at £3 according to the email but for some reason went up to £5 but that’s by the by) has now been cancelled amongst all this nonsense and I can’t reactivate it.

Yesterday I somehow managed to activate the Netflix billing god knows how as I never linked anything and now that has disappeared off my account too.

A complete and utter mess and aside from a PM message there is no response here from BT for others having the same issues.

Please sort this out before I start to see this as a breach of contract.



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Message 42 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

Has all the hallmarks of a marketing team grenade. Usually deployed on a Friday afternoon before they retreat to the safety of a nearby hostelry and leave others to deal with the consequences.

Message 43 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

So I thought I'd give this another go and as the only option for adding netflix to my bundles is to do it via add-ons I went through the process of placing the order to add netflix.

Got a confirmation page that stated that BT would "send an email to null with a link to start your netflix subscription" -  yes, it literally says null on the order confirmation page so no email link has been received as yet (2hrs and counting).

Had another look under MyBT and the netflix add-on now shows up in the manage add-ons section so I click on the link there and it takes me to netflix to sign up. Created the account using the same email I have setup with BT and all it offers me is the chargeable netflix subscriptions starting at 5.99 for basic.

Whatever the correct process is for existing customers to add netflix to their existing bundle then it doesn't appear to be working or it is completely unfathomable to me. 

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Message 44 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

@pagenotfound  This is EXACTLY what happened with me. Null email, no email received but my box did try to sign me up. I then got some message on my phone after scanning the barcode that said BT would take on my billing, but it doesn’t appear to have done.

Now Netflix is not available to me as an addon and all Bt site wants to do is send me to netflix. 
So to date, I now have issues with:

- Netflix billing 

- Boost has cancelled and I can’t put it back on

- Games Pass Ultimate stacking seems non-existent

- my number isn’t recognised for ordering digital Voice hardware

If I were running an account management system this inept I quite literally would be on a performance review by now. I’m not impressed.

0 Ratings
Message 45 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

Still been checking MyBT to see if the process for adding netflix has been fixed or made clearer but still no changes.

Tried signing in to netflix on my bt tv box with the account I setup from the manage add-ons link and it asks for the BT payment pin then takes me to a page to choose a package, all three of which are cost options.

It looks like if I want to get netflix added to my Big Entertainment bundle I have 2 choices. Flex to Entertainment for a month and lose a bunch of recordings from channels that aren't in this bundle or flex to VIP for a month which would cost the same as a years subscription to netflix anyway. Hobson's choice.

I appreciate this is a community forum for other members to assist each other so can't expect direct assistance from BT staff but I do find the prolonged silence from them on this to be somewhat puzzling. I assume they are struggling with this themselves.


0 Ratings
Message 46 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

@pagenotfound  another option for you would appear to flex from Big Entertainment to Entertainment  adding Now Cinema as add on . that should retain the channels and recordings that you currently have. That is an observation NOT a recommendation.

0 Ratings
Message 47 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

@zulu17  This doesn’t actually appear to solve the issue unfortunately and as you say most definitely isn’t a recommended option when the marketing fanfares ‘now comes with’.

0 Ratings
Message 48 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

@zulu17 thanks for the suggestion, and whilst I appreciate it I don't think I'm game enough to try it and to be honest it shouldn't be necessary to jump through convoluted hoops to try to figure out a way that will work.

The simplest thing would have been for BT to have automatically added netflix without me having to do anything at all, or if I had to do anything then an activation email should have been all that was required. As it stands the order system can't even send out the activation email it's supposed to as it says null for the email address.

I'll get on the phone to customer support at some point and see if I can get this straightened out.

Message 49 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

Well, after a relatively quick call to the BT TV sales support team things are now a lot clearer.

I had assumed that BT had added netflix to current packages and I should be able to get it as part of my current package but actually, the price has now gone up for all TV packages that incorporate netflix so if I did want to add it I'd be paying extra for it. Nothing in this life is for free. It's not worth the extra outlay to me so that's the end of that.

I think the way this has been communicated has been pretty confusing though.

Message 50 of 60

Re: Netflix now part of BT packages

I’m being advised by PM to flex to my existing package but ‘with Netflix’ - this isn’t a flipping option in the site. Come in BT sort this out!!!

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