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Message 1 of 10

New Customer (Weird BQM)

Hi all, i've recently changed over to BT from Virgin Media. 


I've setup BQM and noticed that it's doing some weird wave things every 2hours 30 minutes, does anyone know the reason why my BQM is showing like this?

Thanks for looking! 


0 Ratings
Message 2 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

looks OK to me, there's a packet lose at one point but it's only once and I see the step in latency but it's nothing and could be to do with the router. To test you would need another router but the results look fine.

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

Hi @Stu_H

I've tried multiple routers and all produce the same pattern.

Could this happen due to dynamic IP? 

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

I'm fairly sure it should not change that much to honest, you can check that easily to see if it is.

when you tried a different router was it cconnected direct to the ONT?

What issues are you experiencing or is it you just wanted to see why it's doing that step?

ive not got FTTC to compare sadly.

Run Pingplotter to verify the results, that will show if you have a climb and drop.


Message 5 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

Yes, all were connected directly to the ONT. No difference in the BQM's.

I don't think it's causing many issues, but i'm getting a few lag spikes in games. (Not sure if that's the cause though) 

I was mainly asking this question because i've seen a lot of other FTTP/C connections that just carry on as a straight line.

I'll definitely try PingPlotter! 

Thanks for your help @Stu_H 

Message 6 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

Def give Pingplotter a go. Normally with lines above 400 depending on network use QoS is not needed however there's traffic priority and QoS can help. Even on lines above 400. 

Some routers are designed to help with latency issues but pingplotter will show you what's going on and from there you can decide on if you require more control over your network. 

Message 7 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

I've used pingplotter and ping is fluctuating between 1 and 5ms. 

I'm currently using a Tenda AC15 on Freshtomato with version 2021.3 and QoS enabled. 

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

That's great, use the internet, stream say Netflix, download a file from say thinkbroadband or a game and just see how the  graph reacts. If there's no spikes then it's good to go. Normally you try to saturate your connection but not always possible on connections that have good DL or UL.

Message 9 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

Looks to be good! I've also pinged via cmd and it was showing the same results. 

I'll just have to ignore the weird BQM thing. 

Message 10 of 10

Re: New Customer (Weird BQM)

That’s good news. Yes sometimes it’s best to double check and put your mind at rest.

Sounds like you are ready for some online action now 😊