Message 1 of 22

New Norton software

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Hi - I’ve just tried to install the new Norton (BT Virus Protect) software but I keep getting an installation failed message because it has detected McAfee. I had already used the McAfee uninstaller, and when it failed to install on the third occasion I did a search with Finder to see if there was anything the uninstaller left behind. Each time I downloaded the new software I placed the previous download in the trash, then emptied the trash and restarted the Mac. Still no joy. Any ideas would be most welcome. 

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Message 2 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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You could try booting the Mac in safe mode and install Norton. Might have to select Safe mode with network. 

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Message 3 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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Hi – thank you for getting back to me. As you suggested I restarted the Mac in Safe Mode; and the same message is coming up. Weird because in safe mode nothing should be running. Norton continues to believe that McAfee is still there and is affecting installation. I’ve just tried Finder again and it still shows that McAfee isn’t present, although I did dive into the Cache and found a McAfee folder there which I’ve deleted. I also checked to see if there were any McAfee cookies; none. I downloaded the Norton software again, but it’s still refusing to install because of a McAfee situation somewhere. Any further ideas?

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Message 4 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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er.. not sure now.

You could try enabling hidden files in Finder (an internet search will explain how to do this) and doing a search for McAfee. That might show up any McAfee files and folders hidden from normal view. If it does then Delete them but don't empty the Bin just in case. Also if you go to Security & Privacy in System Preferences and open the Privacy tab scroll down the left hand list and select Full Disk Access (you might need to click the padlock to make changes )then in the right hand list look for anything McAfee and untick it or just click the minus - to remove it.

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Message 5 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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Hiya - I've tried both suggestions; sadly Norton is still telling me that the installation failed and that I need to uninstall McAfee - yet I am unable to locate any trace of McAfee on my Mac. Aaarrrggh. Any further ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Message 6 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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Try this Mcafee website, scroll down to the heading Uninstall Your McAfee Software and follow the "if you run into issues.... section


then restart you mac before trying to install Norton.

mmmmm... if that doesn't work maybe a moderator will pick up on this message and be able to offer advice

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Message 7 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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Hi Addy. Yep, tried the route McAfee recommended concerning temp files. I've even tried deleting the Norton cookie and cache. Out of desperation I went into Time Machine and re-downloaded the McAfee uninstaller but it wouldn't open, I assume because there's nothing left to uninstall. Where do you think we go from here?

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Message 8 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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Hi Addy - just to let you know I've managed to sort out the McAfee/Norton installation quandary. I found a very small McAfee file in Library/LaunchDaemons and another in Library/LaunchAgents - just two small pieces of script. As soon as they were removed to the Trash (and the Trash emptied) it installed without any further problems. Thanks for your suggestions.

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Message 9 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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Thanks for the tip dee-jay!  Do you remember the name of these files, were they called mcafee something or just some other name?

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Message 10 of 22

Re: New Norton software

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Hiya - I’m really sorry I can’t remember the actual file names, but they both began with mcafee. I’m now trying to get my head around why McAfee Uninstaller didn’t remove both files, and why Finder couldn’t locate them at all. 

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