Message 1 of 2

PPPoE on Mesh Router

So I'm trying to use PPPoE with my new 900/110 package on a Tenda Nova MW12 mesh system. The issue I'm having is that using PPPoE destroys my speeds (even when wired), i.e. if I'm directly connected to my SmartHub 2, I'll get the full 900/110, but on the mesh router it's 600/70 on average. I've turned off QoS, PNP etc and any other options I can find, but the problem persists. I don't want to use the Smarthub 2 because I want to make use of the features the mesh system gives me (which can only be used when the mesh system is NOT being used in bridge mode, which is what I'd have to use it in if I use the SmartHub 2 as the router with 2.4 and 5GHz wireless signals off). Has anyone else come across this as well when using aftermarket routers? I've read online about something called hardware offloading but I can't find an option for this in the mesh router's settings.

Thanks all for your time.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: PPPoE on Mesh Router

You might have to research on that as some routers struggle with PPPoE on connections like yours. The work around is to have a router handle the PpPoE connection then add your router via the DMZ if that’s possible on the BT router. 

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