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Message 1 of 3

Photo taken on iPhone as a portrait uploads as normal photo

Hi all,
This is no biggie, but wondering if anyone else has seen the same / knows how to work around it:

if I take a photo on my iPhone using Portrait mode (forefront sharp picture, background blurred), when it uploads to BT Cloud, the background blur is no longer there and it’s a regular photo.  Attached is an example of the same photo from the iPhone camera roll and BT Cloud (only way I could see to get them side by side!), so hopefully you can see what I mean.

As I said, it’s no big issue, but wondered if there’s a way to preserve the portrait mode when uploading (maybe I missed a setting?)


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Message 2 of 3

Re: Photo taken on iPhone as a portrait uploads as normal photo

Having problems uploading the photo…. Will see if I can add it later… 

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Photo taken on iPhone as a portrait uploads as normal photo

Here’s what I mean.  Original image from the camera roll on the left, uploaded image to BT Cloud on the right.  I’ve checked with other similar tools and they upload as per the camera roll, so this seems to be unexpected.


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