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Message 1 of 5

Picture breakup on BT Sport channels

I have a Mesh network set up, and have no issues with my wifi connections to any device (TV laptop etc).

I have the BT Youview box hard wired from a node on my network.

Watching BT Sport channels SD and very regularly I get picture breakup (pixelation) which lasts for about 5-10secs. If the channel + or Channel - is used, and return to original channel it is back OK again. If I leave it on the channel it will, in most cases it will resume.

When I an watching other internet related channels via the Apps on the BT TV box there are NEVER any issues with pixelation (ie Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer). (Similarly my wifi connected TV never pixelates on iPlayer or Prime.)
Same occurs during recording of sports channels.

Any thoughts as to why it is only the 'live' Sports channels that do this would be appreciated.



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Message 2 of 5

Re: Picture breakup on BT Sport channels


What router are you using and is the node that the Youview box is connected to hard wired to the router or by powerline adapters or wifi?

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 5

Re: Picture breakup on BT Sport channels

I am using Velop triband - the node the BT TV box is connected is via via wifi


0 Ratings
Message 4 of 5

Re: Picture breakup on BT Sport channels


You need to check whether your devices will successfully transmit multicast over wifi as many don't and that could be the problem.

My router has settings within the wireless setup for IGMP Snooping(enabled) and Multicast so does do it OK.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 5

Re: Picture breakup on BT Sport channels

I will take a look for this later, but why do the apps work without issues on the Box (iplayer, Prime etc)

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