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Message 31 of 37

Re: PlayStation 5 4K & HDR

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Update: turns out they've got 4K working, but 4K HDR still has some issues.
I'm pushing to get 4K SDR enabled ASAP and have HDR follow when ready, but with the new football season starting tomorrow the focus is on stability for at least a week or two.
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Message 32 of 37

Re: PlayStation 5 4K & HDR

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Hi @DarrenDev, thanks for your prompt and detailed response and update. I'll await these releases with interest.

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Message 33 of 37

Re: PlayStation 5 4K & HDR

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What's wrong with 4K HDR anyway?

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Message 34 of 37

Re: PlayStation 5 4K & HDR

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Hi any update when at least standard 4k is available on ps5 ? I’m deciding whether to continue my subscription or not. 


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Message 35 of 37

Re: PlayStation 5 4K & HDR

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@DarrenDev Hi Darren, any updates on the progress of this?

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Message 36 of 37

Re: PlayStation 5 4K & HDR

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Unfortunately the BT Sport development teams were all disbanded last month and moved on to other work. The only updates to BT Sport apps on all platforms will now just be for essential fixes.
Also, the company that provides the player we use on PlayStation devices decided to go into liquidation in December, following the sudden death of their CEO. They didn't get to fix all the issues we had with it before this happened.
The only chance of Ultimate coming to PlayStation 5 will be if Discovery+ choose to offer it when they take over in summer - we don't yet know what their plans are.

Unfortunate timing all round.

Sorry that I couldn't bring better news.
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Message 37 of 37

Re: PlayStation 5 4K & HDR

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Fortunately I have a PS4 Pro and PS5 in the house, and was searching here to find out if I can view BT Sport on them. So is the conclusion of the above thread that on PS5 you cannot use the enhanced BT Sport player (which I presume means watching BT Sport Ultimate?), but you can on PS4 Pro, or am I reading incorrectly? Thanks!

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