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Message 1 of 6

Pole carrying BT line to be removed ....

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We are looking at an extension to our house and had our electrical provider out to survey as the power cable enters our property via a pole on our land and the cable is in the way of the proposed extension.

They were very helpful and there are a number of challenges with the situation and solutions available. However, regardless of the solution they will be removing the pole and tunnelling / trenching the new incoming supply to our property / new external meter box.

 During the survey he pointed to the pole and said you'll need to speak to BT, they've run your and your neighbours' telephone lines off our pole, they shouldn't have done that! 

In this situation what are the likely outcomes / options from BT/OP and who is liable for the cost? 

Thanks in advance 

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Pole carrying BT line to be removed ....

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This has nothing to do with BT Retail but you need to contact openreach

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Pole carrying BT line to be removed ....

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Openreach have an agreement with the power company to attached telephone cables to the pole. 

You would need to discuss moving the wires with them. 

This forum is for BT Retail /Consumer so would be unable to advise. 

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Pole carrying BT line to be removed ....

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Its likely to cost you a lot of money.


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Message 5 of 6

Re: Pole carrying BT line to be removed ....

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In many areas OR has a pole sharing agreement with the local power company , so chances are the power survey officer was incorrect , if the power company is removing the pole ( at your request ) they should also advise OR as obviously this will affect the OR lineplant , you haven’t actually said who your provider is ( or if the line is in use ) but if it’s not BT you pay line rental to, then posting here is doubly pointless.
OR ( probably ) pay the power company an aggregate fee for all the OR attachments on power poles , it’s unlikely to be on an individual pole basis,  OR cannot stop the power company altering the power network but the power company should have a process to involve OR if OR plant is affected.....if in the highly unlikely situation, that OR have used a power pole without permission, you should contact OR 

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Pole carrying BT line to be removed ....

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Thanks all 

The survey officer had apparently reviewed all the paperwork before the visit as it is  complicated situation and was pretty adamant BT / OR didn't have an agreement in place 

I am not asking the power company to move the pole - it is their solution to move the incoming electrical supply. It also suits them to remove the pole. 

I have tried contacting OR but they haven't event acknowledged my enquiry in the time the power company have been out and surveyed the site 

Thanks again and Ill see what happens when / if OR ever reply 

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