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Message 1 of 5

Postcode checker showing different results for different addresses in the same development?

Hi all,

Looking for some guidance on what I think may be an error on the availability checker.

For some context I live in a very small gated complex consisting of 11 apartments (7 ground floor, 4 penthouse) and 2 houses, all our utilities enter the complex at the same point then branch out to the various apartments/houses. Since I've lived here the apartment I live in consistently gets quoted 35/6 being my maximum, but today I thought I'd check one of the two houses, to my shock it can get the full 900mbit. The only difference is the addresses of the apartments are "30 X Road, apartment 1" through apartment 11, and the houses are 32a and 32b. I must stress that the houses are extremely close to the apartments, like maybe 10m maximum and this is a tiny gated plot, not a large estate or development.

Is there anyone I can contact at BT/Openreach to have this reviewed as I know at least half of the residents would be very keen to have access to better broadband.

Appreciate any guidance you can provide.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Postcode checker showing different results for different addresses in the same development?

Using phone number is most accurate followed by address and least accurate is using postcode which cannot really be relied on.  

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Postcode checker showing different results for different addresses in the same development?

Serving houses is different to serving MDU’s ( multi dwelling units ) , with houses , generally there is no ‘access’ issues, the road/footpath probably not privately owned , and and any area outside ( like the garden ) that needs to be excavated will belong to the property requesting service , flats/apartments are different , if there is any sort of management company involved then permissions need to be sought , after all work will be needed in areas that the individual flat/apartment have no jurisdiction over, plus retro fitting these sort of buildings can be complicated, requiring everything to be surface wired , whereas the original copper wiring probably installed as the MDU was being constructed,  it’s entirely possible that Openreach took the decision to not bother with the MDU and just considered the houses 

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Postcode checker showing different results for different addresses in the same development?

@linechecking123 wrote:


Is there anyone I can contact at BT/Openreach to have this reviewed as I know at least half of the residents would be very keen to have access to better broadband.

Appreciate any guidance you can provide.

This is a BT Retail Customer forum, and has no connection with Openreach.

If Openreach are not going to provide faster access, then you may need to participate in an Openreach Partnership Scheme, provided you can persuade all residents to sign up.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Postcode checker showing different results for different addresses in the same development?


Are you a current BT Broadband customer, or do you get your broadband from another ISP?

If you are a BT Broadband customer, then use your phone number in the BT Broadband Availability checker. Please edit out your phone number before you post the result.


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