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Message 11 of 13

Re: Support for BT basic email

If you are now on BT Basic email, this will not work with an email client/app. To be able to use an app or client you will need to "upgrade" to a BT Premium email account or if you know anybody with a BT Broadband account and you trust them not to delete your email account you could have it associated to their broadband account. 

This will restore your email account to a standard account and you will be able to use an email client/app.

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Message 12 of 13

Re: Support for BT basic email


It was the mods of this forum that advised me to contact the Premium Mail team as they said they couldn't help with basic email accounts. I spoke to the Premium team this afternoon and as I mentioned in a previous post they've sent a technical referral to get the problem sorted.

At the moment my BT mail is still a standard mail account. I can still forward emails to my gmail account and check the deleted, spam, sent and drafts folder through IMAP on my Thunderbird client on the PC. It wont be switched to basic untill after 60 days from the 16/08/2021 which is when the account it was linked with stopped. I had an email from BT advising of this on that date.

Another forum member posted that he thinks "The error you are getting indicates that the message sequencing on the server is out of step for your account." which seems likely given the issues I'm having at the moment. Yesterday 5 emails from 08/07/2021 which had already been read and deleted suddenly re-appeared in the BT webmail inbox and they wont go away! 😂



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Message 13 of 13

Support for a BT Basic email account with problems

Hi people.

Who do I contact for support with a problem with my basic BT email? I've called the number given to me by the people on webchat, I've called the Premium email team twice and I've tried this support forum (the mods advised me to call the Premium mail team). My email used to be a standard mail account linked to a residential account which no longer exists. It is now a basic account. I dont have an account number or a BT ID. I have an email address and password that I use to login on the BT site. I have 5 emails stuck in my inbox that I deleted months ago that have suddenly re-appeared and now wont go away and they seem to be clogging things up. Please help!?


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