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Message 1 of 5

RTE radio on smart device in Northern Ireland

Hi  can anyone help with the problem of listening to RTE Radio (or any radio station from the Republic of Ireland) on a smart speaker.  It used to work but about a year ago it stopped working and when I try to play it through my Google Home I get an automated voice message saying this content is not available in your area.  Very frustrating as I can listen on good old fashioned radio and on my phone but not on the smart speaker.  I've looked on the RTE website and it appears to be a problem with BT's dynamic IP address.  Is there any way around this?  Thank you.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: RTE radio on smart device in Northern Ireland

Nothing to do with the IP addresses being dynamic, it will be due to copyright restrictions on where the IP addresses are located.

There are ways to circumvent it but I'm not sure it is appropriate to post here.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: RTE radio on smart device in Northern Ireland

Thank you.  I would like to contact RTE to highlight this problem.  This is the message on their faqs.  


If you're accessing our services from Northern Ireland and aren't seeing the content you should be, then there may be an issue with the location of the IP address being assigned to you by your ISP. You will need to contact them to resolve this.

So is it pointless contacting my ISP ie BT? 



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Message 4 of 5

Re: RTE radio on smart device in Northern Ireland

Yes. As, I said previously, it is the location of your IP address that is the problem and that won't change.

Use a VPN based in Eire to spoof your IP address.

That might get deleted by the mods.


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Message 5 of 5

Re: RTE radio on smart device in Northern Ireland

Thank you.
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