How do I perform a factory reset? Blue screen showing on one receiver, but no details.
Hi @colinboast Welcome to the community and thanks for posting. What issues are you having with your BT TV?
Have you checked all the cables are connected properly? Check out this link for instructions on how to Factory reset your BT TV box
I'm referring to my BT telephones ref: BT 6600 Trio which suffer fom a disappearing screen leaving just a blue blank area. Others on this site have suffered the same fault, but nobody can solve the problem. Even BT maintaining a silence over this and nowhere do they offer a response. I refuse to use the premium rate call line to them!
Hi @colinboast and thanks for posting.
I moved your thread to the devices board as yo0u'd posted on the BTTV board (which is why @NeilO replied with that information). Can you try the following and let me know if it helps?