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Message 1 of 21

Re: Contacting a moderator

I need help with using my laptop to view bt sport etc. Matt-s was my previous contact. Thanks John Bradley (guisgadgie)
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Message 2 of 21

Re: Contacting a moderator

can you post your actual problem?  do you have the sports pack?  what error code are you getting?

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Message 3 of 21

I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

I've got my old problem back where CCleaner is wiping off Silverlight. Need resetting slots.

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Message 4 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

If it's BT Sport you want to watch then I recommend you use instead - it'll give you a better experience.

I can reset your device slots if needed, but this is normally only done by exception where there was a genuine customer issue. The fact that you knew about the CCleaner issue but still went ahead and ran it puts us on dodgy ground with our content providers, who put these restrictions on us.
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Message 5 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)


If you knew CC Cleaner caused you problems previously when you ran it I can't understand why you continue to use it

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Message 6 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

In response to comments I can confirm running Piriform CCleaner using "Custom Clean",  where you can set it up to ignore action on Silverlight, DOES NOT effect my device limits. This in evidence of at least 200 - 300 uses over the last year. I believe I have found the root cause in this case (as part of my HSE position I was a trainer in Apollo Root Cause Analysis). I recently changed prime malware protection from Windows Defender to AVG . Within the AVG suite part of the scan is "performance issues". I believe that, as apart from routine W10 updates, this is the only credible cause of seeing the problems of 2019/20 resurface. 

Is there a route to get myself reset apart from the agony of an hour long session w/ Mumbai? Previous Moderators did had the authority to get action on this issue.

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Message 7 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

All of our call centres are now in the UK, so there are no more calls to Mumbai.
I can reset it for you though. Send me a DM with your BT ID and account number.
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Message 8 of 21

Re: Contacting a moderator

I have 4 slots for other devices so I can watch BT TV and Sport on line. On #1 I have my Inspiron laptop. On #2 I have my Lenovo tablet (that still works so I can watch sport tv etc.) On #3 I have my Inspiron laptop (same as #1!!). On #4 it says I can't use this slot until after 4th April. 

The error message I get is "reached device limits, (WP928)". Hope that clearly explains the issue together with my other post regarding what I am fairly sure is the root cause of the problem.  Do not use AVG performance issue! As a precaution I have reinstalled BT TV live in case it was an issue similar to problems of about a year ago. 

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Message 9 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

Thanks DarrenDev. 

Sign on ID is *********

GB xxxxxxxx

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Message 10 of 21

Re: I've bounced my limit on device limits (WP928)

I've edited your message to hide your private details @Guisgadgie ... and that's your devices reset now.

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