Message 1 of 29

Replacement batteries

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I just recently switched to the Digital Voice Service and received the Advanced Digital Phone.

Silly question but has anyone got any tips for how to open the battery compartment. I have read the manual and tried doing what it shows in the diagram description but its not opening for me. I don't want to force it and break something but I feel there must be a special technique required to open it. 

I obviously don't need to replace batteries just yet as its new but would like to know for the future.

Thanks for any help.


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Message 2 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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I tried it and found that by using my finger nails in the seam between  back and front just up from base I could price case apart but did not actual complete and open 

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Message 3 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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Someone must know.

For guidance.....I had a similar problem with a Panasonic Phone, where the diagram was misleading.

Try pinching the phone near the bottom (carefully), then try sliding the back either upwards or downwards, without undue force. You may find that the back then releases. For the Panasonic , I had to slide the back upwards....No force required.

Message 4 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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Hi @raydun 

Assuming the Advanced Handset is similar, on the Essential DV handset there are 3 pips on the removable cover where it meets the back of the phone. Place your thumb on the 3 pips with all of your thumb on the back cover as  much as possible. Press and slide your thumb downwards in one movement and the cover comes off.

Message 5 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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Hi there, thanks everyone for replies. The Essential Handset is actually different so unable to use that method. Tried the finger nail method suggested above but still not cracked it yet. 🙂 

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Message 6 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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@Ribblelancs @Andy005 

Tried both suggestions and either work

There are no 3 dots on the casing and the casing is to rigid to squeeze inwards

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Message 7 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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Perhaps the technical publications dept need reviewing.

I had no end of trouble fixing a Panasonic state of the art posh designer phone for a friend. She has a Siemens phone, which is well ....er OK, if a little poor at the high frequency end of things. She was going to throw the new Panasonic out! And even after fixing it she’s still wary of installing it. Doesn’t help when Openreach had to look in to the installation, and found a problem.

All new handsets follow a commercial design procedure. They copy each other.

The fix was simple, but the tech author, who probably had good translation qualifications, had little real tech knowledge. They are plastic mouldings, and don’t respond to force.

Message 8 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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So am I correct in saying no one has successfully managed to open the battery compartment on the Advanced Digital Home Phone. ?


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Message 9 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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I was able to get both sides open at base end and away from connection socket with is attached to front  using my finger nails in small gap between front and back but did not open completely as I have no need to replace batteries and will cross that bridge as and when I need to

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Message 10 of 29

Re: Replacement batteries

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@imjolly, @raydun Not much consolation, but there's a similar post on the BT 8610. A phone which looks remarkably similar in build, and the graphical instructions are similar. The back seems to just lift off. The user has marked the topic with a kudo, but I'm not exactly sure if it was solved.
I got it all wrong.

Your instruction manual should give info on where to get help, either by chat or by phone.

  • Search for Community topic "BT 8610 replace batteries" for the conversation.