I have posted here before, and the issue improved but never actually disappeared. The broadband we have *used* to be great about 2 years ago, until suddenly it seems like it was throttled, and can only be properly used by one person at a time. As soon as one person downloads something or watches videos, the broadband (yes, even using ethernet) becomes beyond useless. Today I was measuring pings ranging from 2000-3000ms while someone else was downloading, how is this acceptable in 2021?
Hi @hawicky, welcome back, and sorry you are getting high ping again.
Please can you run a Ping Plotter when connected via ethernet and no other devices running, including via wifi, and one then when you are downloading or watching a video and post the results?
Hi John, sorry for the late reply, I never got an email notification.
Below is a pingplotter graph taken while downloading (connected to ethernet), with an interval of 1 second to google.co.uk.
Thanks for your help in advance,