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Message 1 of 3

Scam/spoofing calls - what is being done?

Despite having call protect but needing Int calls allowed, I've been getting a rapidly increasing number of spoofed UK numbers coming through that are also showing as Int calls, not to mention Amazon Prime scams from odd looking numbers.

It wasn't helped by a hotel I once stayed at having a data breach that must have contained my home number.

The onus appears to be on the customer to be vigilant and carry out manual filtering/ blacklisting/TPI etc etc.

What exactly is being done by service providers and telcom regulator to remedy this problem?

If a call is being represented at the customers phone display both as an Int call but with a UK  number then surely that data is passing through hands of the service provider and that combination cannot exist? Why isn't the service provider allowing that line connection to be made?

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Scam/spoofing calls - what is being done?

You can use BT's "Report a Scam Call".
They are mostly spoofed numbers.

If you keep a log of these call numbers for yourself, they can form a pattern. Certain numbers repeat themselves with changes in either the first, or last numbers. Had three calls at hourly intervals this morning with slight number changes. (All reported to BT.) The more you report to BT the more they can recognise a caller.
Some phone models allow user to block number strings.

Otherwise order a BT call blocking phone...There are many references to these in the Community. (e.g BT 8600)

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Scam/spoofing calls - what is being done?

How much BT,  or any other provider,  are doing to combat this problem,  only they ultimately know.    As discussed at length in other threads,  however,  the reality,  bitter though it may be to swallow,  is that whether or not the onus should be on the customer to take the necessary steps,  the bottom line is that that's the way it is.    As mentioned,  call blocking phones like the one mentioned or,  I think,  the 4600  ( someone will correct me if I'm wrong )  are the optimum solution,  whereby callers have to announce themselves before being put through.    If,  like me,  you're an old-school diehard who still uses phones that were manufactured between forty and fifty years ago,  you may have to come up with other solutions,  or simply learn to live with the problem once you've taken what steps you can.    My own approach is to either not answer the phone to a number I don't recognise  ( tends to work okay for me as I have an almost photographic memory for phone numbers )  or just take my chances if I've got five minutes to spare and I'm in the mood for a little light relief at the scammers' expense.    The simple fact,  as I've remarked elsewhere,  is that the scammers will always be one step ahead of the authorities,  primarily for the reason that they don't have the strictures and protocols within which they have to work.    If you've got the time to spare  ( which,  to be fair,  most of us haven't ),  tagging them along for as long as you can keep them on the phone can actually be quite a jolly jape.

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