Since mid June I have been having a recurring problem with my internet connection. Several times per day, for as long as 10-15 minutes at a time, my internet speeds slows to a crawl. From 20MB to below 1MB. Then goes back to normal.
During these periods my connection stays on. The light is blue. It’s just incredibly slow.
I’ve received a new hub. Two engineer visits. A new socket in the wall and this problem is still persisting. Has anyone had any experience with a similar issue?
If your hub light stays blue then hub is connected to internet and connection speed will remain stable. So problem is your download speed. Are you using ethernet or WiFi when you have problems?
Post your hub stats. Advanced settings then technical log information
I am using WiFi. Here are my stats:
As I said, it could be fine for hours and then experiences this drastic drop in speed.
From your stats it looks like a wireless problem not a connection one.
What do you mean?
Bear with me, I’m not very technically literate here.