I trying a tweak - switching to Mode 2 instead of Mode 1. So far I have not seen any browsing interruptions. Anyone care to try Mode 2?
Hi all, just posting to say current firmware potentially has bugs and I have reported it on another thread https://community.bt.com/t5/BT-Devices/Issues-post-firmware-upgrade-home-hub-2/m-p/2225699#M26795 and have spoken to BT several times regarding it to mixed results - my last call to Birmingham team was hopeful though as it is being raised up and potentially investigated.
We shall see...
This is my first time posting to the BT community.
After having months upon months of major wifi issues with the Smart Hub 2 I just decided to connected to an ASUS mesh system.
This has solved ALL of my connection issues.
I used to have problems with devices finding my printer, connecting to my Google speakers/displays, loading of websites and apps, the list goes on.
I now have WiFi that just works and no more frustrating drop outs or connection issues.
No-one should have to delve into any system settings, it should just be plug and play which the vast majority of BT broadband users require.
In my opinion this particular hub is not fit for purpose.
Hi @Gadgetboy1980 . For two years I had no problem with the Smart Hub 2. It is only in the last 3 months I have had wifi connection dropouts. BT have also forced Digital Voice on me (although I understand it has issues so BT have halted the roll out to others). So to get a replacement Router I am going to have to find a Mesh system that also has a voice handset socket.
I also have VOIP with BT so I just plugged my Asus mesh into the BT hub, which I believe can cause double NAT issues? Set it up as a new network and literally had zero problems.
@pmosb There isn't one. For DV you HAVE to use the BT SH2
@licquorice Thanks. So it looks like I can keep my SH2 for DV and then turn off wifi (hoping the firmware bug of dropping connection is limited only to the Wifi facility) and then connect, say, a ASUS Mesh kit at £98. I'll sell my BT disc.
I wouldn’t know which one to buy - can you recommend a good one?
@caz138wrote:I wouldn’t know which one to buy - can you recommend a good one?
I use Netgear Orbi - base and one satellite- with very satisfactory results. Stick to a well known band.
I got these and they work perfectly:
ASUS Zenwifi mini CD6 AC1500