Message 1 of 4

Smart Hub Change

Hi. I am currently on Hal 1 using the BT Smart hub, but thinking of upgrading to Halo 2 and changing to the Smart hub 2. Will the new hub have a different password to my old hub and thus having to change the password for all my connected devices, which at the last count was 48! I   don't relish the thought of that. Thanks

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Smart Hub Change

You can change the SSID and password on the new hub to match that of the old hub rather than change all your devices if you wish. However, there is no advantage to changing to a SH2 if your SH1 is working OK.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Smart Hub Change


Welcome to this user forum.

Yes it will have a different name and password, however there is nothing stopping you from changing it to be the same as your old hub, which I would keep anyway, as you may have problems with the Smart Hub 2.

Unless you are upgrading to the BT Complete Wifi system, with the black add-on discs, there is not real advantage in getting  the Smart Hub 2, and you may have issues connecting some devices.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Smart Hub Change

thanks that's pretty well he answer I wanted, I will just keep my old hub, I was at end of contract and if I stay as I am, which I have no issues with any way , my new contract is cheaper. Thanks 

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