Message 1 of 3

Spam from microsoft

I've been getting spam almost all with 'microsoft' followed by .com in the email address. I blocked that domain a couple of days ago, but today I got an email from a spam ending in that domain name. Why? Doesn't blocking the domain of a spammer work?

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Spam from microsoft

Not if they are "spoofing" the domain name to make it appear as though it has come from there when it obviously has not. You need to check the email headers/source to establish which domain actually sent it and block that.


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Message 3 of 3

Re: Spam from microsoft

I haven't heard of 'spoofing', Distinguished Sage. Or, at least, I don't think I have. I have been told that, if I hover the cursor over the name in the 'Sender' position, I will see the email address of the sender. In the latest case, the email address appears as azure-noreply * microsoft.com (I have been advised not to include email addresses that can be linked to), while the name that appears is 'Natural News',  subject line: Lose weight with Keto Fuel. I have had emails where the sender appears to be Martin Lewis, one ends in etsy.com, another in accountprotection.microsoft.com, another in Brandenburgisc.onmicrosoft.com. The first of this batch of spam was from 'Martin Lewis' with an address that ended in microsoft.com. If these are spoof email addresses, how do I find the real source(s)? When I say the address end in x, I mean that what appears after the @ is x.

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