All the subscribed channel numbers seem to be changing:
Also there seem to be some extra Eurosport channels for the Olympics. These need to be setup, but the first didn't say I needed to subscribe to a newer packkage (I am on Classic Entertainment):
"BT has added extra channels for Eurosport Olympics start on Friday from epg 394 too epg 407 . All in HD."
I believe the link refers to last years announcement which some people received emails/notification about channel renumbering that didn’t occur.
ie 24th August was a Monday in 2020 but this year is a Tuesday.
@barnpiece May I ask how you came across that link ?
I saw the text on extra Eurosport channels for the Olympics and was searching for details when I found that.
I wish BT would add a date to the announcements they make. Then you'd know if it was current!
@zulu17 that's not last years changes, it looks like changes that are coming, the date may be wrong
If it is this year's update then it it is out of date before it begins, It includes channel details for Now Fox and Now Discovery, both of which are no longer broadcasting
I think we have agreed that it is last year's news that never happened.
Pages ought to be deleted when no longer relevant so they can't be found by mistake when searching!