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Message 1 of 3

Switching back to BT from Sky - will my entire DLM profile be reset?

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After a very painful 18 months with Sky fibre to the cabinet broadband, I have started the switch back to BT.

When I was with BT previously I had a good stable service running approx 62mbps / 13mbps syncing at 3db downstream. Unfortunately while I was with Sky I had a number of overhead and underground cable faults which affected a group of homes and have now been resolved, but as a result I've found myself permanently banded at 54999kbps and I've never managed to get Sky to resolve this. Today after a Sky Hub reboot I now have 48997kbps down with 7.9db noise margin and 13415kbps up. During one visit an Openreach engineer sat in his van on my drive and made some changes to my service using his laptop - things have never been the same since and I think at the time they didn't believe there was as many copper issues as we had - they eventually replaced 3 different overhead sections.

I know that there may be some copper issues remaining as the underground part of my connection had to be rebuilt by Openreach using the sections of pairs they could find from DP to DP because we are supplied by old aluminium underground cables for the first few hundred metres from the fibre cabinet that are in a poor state. I do believe that some of my problems have been with the Sky Hub itself and also whatever the openreach engineer changed, therefore once I'm back on a BT Smarthub my question is whether by returning to BT it will give me a total reset of all DLM etc and get rid of any banded profile, or if I will continue to have any legacy from my painful time with Sky?

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Switching back to BT from Sky - will my entire DLM profile be reset?

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Ye, DLM will start afresh monitoring from the start of your new connection and build a new profile.

Message 3 of 3

Re: Switching back to BT from Sky - will my entire DLM profile be reset?

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Thanks, hopefully whatever happened to my line will go away at that point then as Sky initiated a couple of DLM resets but whatever one of the Openreach engineers had coded on my connection didn't get removed. He told me at the time that he was "hard coding my connection to 6db noise margin as it would stop my connection resyncing" - unfortunately the damaged overhead cable hadn't read the memo and so kept shorting out every time it rained. The cable run was eventually replaced by different engineers.

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