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Message 1 of 5

Transfer to VOIP

I've just heard on the radio that we all are being moved to VOIP for our phone use. What happens when BT can't ( or won't due to cost) provide a broadband service currently because we are too rural, will we just lose the ability to have a bt phone service?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Transfer to VOIP

There's a criteria and customers are being done in batches to move to the VOIP phone service as Openreach close the analogue PSTN off by 2025. There's also several fibre rollout programme being deployed by Openreach to increase the availability of FTTP (Full Fibre) so you may find your area maybe covered at some stage between now and 2026 for Full fibre.

If no broadband service is available then an alternative maybe sought at a later stage such as 4G/5G or satellite  .

Have you checked the Openreach website for availability info:

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Transfer to VOIP

Thanks for the reply. We're at the end of 9.5 kms of wire from the exchange and BT won't even think about fibre this far out in this century for 6 customers. Currently the fibre to our cabinet is about 5kms away and the customers nearer to it complain about the poor speeds. To get any broadband we've had to go modile 4G which is giving us a reasonable service, but it appears this 'improvement' by BT is going to deprive us of a landline.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Transfer to VOIP

You say that BT won't think about it but that's not necessarily true. My sister (who has satellite internet at the moment)  lives in the middle of nowhere down in Ayrshire and was recently surprised to find openreach contractors installing a fibre line along poles all the way along the single track road that goes past her and then also down her 0.5mile access road to stop just outside her house.  They are most definitely delivering to areas that you wouldn't think they would touch. I myself live in a small village and thought it would be years away yet just last month I got FTTP...... there is hope 🙂

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Transfer to VOIP

Thanks for the info. I think that down here under Boris I might learn to fly first.
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