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Message 1 of 14

Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

Hi all
Sorry for the long post but I have no other way of explaining the situation and I cannot find anyone else with the same problem online. I have probably talked to about 30 different people at BT with this issue but I keep getting blagged off. Any help vastly appreciated, so:
At my newly renovated from derelict property, I am currently on 2 mbps with BT as the service provider. I am wanting to upgrade to a faster speed of around 40mbps which I know is obtainable here as I used to live in the house next door previously with those speeds.
I have been told that the wire installed is incompatible with the cabinet which is false as I paid openreach myself to install copper wire to my group of 3 properties on this plot of land around 4 years ago. So the correct wire is installed with 100% certainty as the other 2 properties get speeds of 40mbps and all are on the same line as they were installed at the same time. (And as mentioned, I used to live in one of them up to 3 weeks ago).
However, on the phone time and time again, I am told that the system at BT shows that fibre is available at the property but it isn't allowing the person on the phone to click the "upgrade button". I have been trying non stop for the past 3 weeks and I'm just getting sent around in circles.
One gentleman suggested that BT's system and Openreach's system aren't synced properly and that is the cause of this problem, but I can't get anybody to sort it out for me.
Yesterday, an engineer was supposed to come out but he just didn't show up. The previous time, somebody in charge of the case was supposed to call me back but never did.
I have to run my online business at 2mbps which is impossible and never mind any other luxuries. The infrastructure is there but BT are refusing to help.
If anyone has had any similar ordeals, please let me know. I am at my wits end.
Kind regards,
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Message 2 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

Are the addresses correct and matched to what is recorded on the Royal Mail /Post Office ?
If you enter your BT phone number here , what does it show, and if possible , what is returned using a phone number or address of a neighbouring property that can get FTTC
If for some reason your address isn’t recorded on the same cab as the other addresses , even if that is just a database error, that error would need to be resolved.
Message 3 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property


Thank you for your speedy reply!


So I was unable to find out any neighboring landline numbers, so I inputted my previous address (the house next door to my current one) using the address checker and it is bang on what I used to get until I moved. 


The line for both properties was installed at the same time by Open Reach. How do I go about getting this issue fixed?asdadsdsasdadsa.pngyhyhyhy.png

Thanks for the help again,


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Message 4 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

sorry I  misread the dslchecker results and FTTPoD is not FTTP

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Message 5 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

Sorry, can you please elaborate on this a little bit. What do I need to call and ask them to do?


Thanks again for all the help


0 Ratings
Message 6 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

Both show the same cab ( that’s good ) but as the first image shows FTTPod as available , this suggests the ‘system’ knows you are on a fibre enabled cabinet ( cab 86 ) but thinks you are too far away from it to benefit .You get to a point where the distance from  the cabinet means that VDSL/FTTC performs worse than exchange based ADSL, so the question is why are your neighbours able to get it and you are not...a records problem probably.
The normal routing setup is MDF , PCP , DP, your home, a PCP ( cabinet ) services many DP’s ( distribution points ) of varying distances, obviously some DP’s are further away from the cab than others, perhaps your line is ( incorrectly) recorded on a DP so far away from the PCP that VDSL isn’t viable....are you and your neighbours served overhead, it may be possible to visually trace the dropwires back to a common point , ( the DP ) if yours diverges from theirs , perhaps you are not served in the same fashion .
Unfortunately, ‘BT’ may not be able to see what DP you are recorded on , as it’s an OR record system, and I’m presuming that is how it’s determined what service should be offered by the BT Wholesale systems that service providers use.
If your address info was wrong, a ORDI ( Openreach data integrity) check can be requested, but I don’t know if that includes the way your line is recorded or just a check of your address against the RM database, AFAIK, normally when a line is provided the routing if incorrect should be corrected by the installer...if the line is quite a new install the records may updated in time.

Message 7 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

Thank you for the explanation, I understand it clearly (which is a surprise haha).


My property and my neighbors property are all at the same distance from the cabinet physically.

Our properties are served underground for about 40 metres under a field. Then they go up a telegraph pole and jump to the box about another 30 metres away (my estimated measurements are definitely off).

I know all this as I dug the trench and laid the ducting myself for openreach 4 years ago. 

The only difference being that my current house got finally connected to the internet 3 years after the rest (due to it not being finished).


Is my only course of action to submit an ORDI check do you believe? Any other possible things I can do whilst I have your attention?


You've been a great help so far.

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Message 8 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

I managed to get my neighbors landline number to see their connection, this property is the third one on the plot of land and marginally further away from the cabinet than my own. Not sure if this shows anything not already established



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Message 9 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

The only way to resolve it is to ask for an ORDI to be submitted. It takes about 2 weeks.

Message 10 of 14

Re: Unable to upgrade to Fibre when copper wire is installed at property

Okay, at least I have something to try. Do I ask someone from BT to submit an ORDI? Is it something I can request from the normal customer support people over the phone?

Many thanks
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