When I logged on today to see my bill there was the offer to upgrade my service from Fibre 100 to Fibre 250 with speeds of upto 220Mb/s. I thought I would do this for the extra speed and signed up. Within 30 minutes the broadband circuit went down and restarted. Prior to the upgrade I have had 29/159Mb/s for many months and after the upgrade I have exactly the same speed. Have I missed something here as the line speed is in spec for both Fibre 100 and Fibre 250, but I would have expected an increase with the upgrade?
Enter phone number here :- https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL and post results minus your phone number.
It could be your line is already at its max capability and cannot support fibre 250
Does this help?
That doesn't help as it doesn't show if you have FTTP or G.Fast. Give the FTTP team a ring, they will advise you.0800 587 4787
As far as I am aware Fibre 100 and Fibre 250 are both GFast and FullFibre 500 and FullFibre 900 are FTTP.
It clearly shows the OP has G.fast - FTTP is not available.
Full Fibre 100 is available of FTTP.