Hi I recently moved my Mum to BT from another provider. However the connection is super slow. She's been going crazy as she can't video call her Mum or other family. I can't get up straight away but from what I can tell I think she's on adsl speeds which aren't great particularly upload. Can she be moved on to Adsl2+ as I believe that's what she was on with previous providers again judging by speed's. Thanks.
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Broadband Availability Checker
Telephone Number on Exchange is served by Cabinet 12
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Handback
Threshold(Mbps) WBC FTTC Availability Date WBC SOGEA Availability Date Left in Jumper
High Low High Low
VDSL Range A (Clean) help 79 60.6 20 19 56.4 Available Available --
VDSL Range B (Impacted) help 77.8 59.5 20 19 54.3 Available Available --
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range (Mbps) Availability Date FTTP Install Process
FTTP on Demand 330 30 -- Available --
ADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) ADSL Availability Date WBC SOADSL Availability Date Left in Jumper
WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 9.5 -- 8.5 to 10.5 Available Available --
WBC ADSL2+ Annex M Up to 9.5 Up to 1 8.5 to 10.5 Available Available --
ADSL Max Up to 5 -- 4 to 6 Available Available --
WBC Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available Available --
Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available -- --
Observed Speeds VDSL
Max Observed Downstream Speed 77.47
Max Observed Upstream Speed 20
Observed Date 2021-05-31
Other Offerings Availability Date
VDSL Multicast Available
ADSL Multicast Available
Premise Environment Status
Bridge Tap U
VRI --
NTE FacePlate --
Last Test Date 02-06-2021
Exchange Product Restrictions Status
FTTP Priority Exchange N
WLR Withdrawal N
SOADSL Restriction Y
The premise/line is associated with exchange which is NOT part of current fibre priority programme.
The premise/line is associated with exchange where WLR is not withdrawn.
The premise/line is associated with exchange where SOADSL service is restricted.
FTTP is not available.
For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (VDSL or G.fast) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
Actual speeds experienced by end users and quoted by CPs will be lower due to a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 30 Nov 2012. The Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30 Jun 2014.
If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service
In order to be eligible for handback, downstream speed should be less than Downstream Handback Threshold values.
Thank you for your interest
By submitting a query into this checker you accept Terms of Use for this checker.
Fibre 1 or fibre 2 is available, and they would be much better for video calls,
You can upgrade online, or by calling 0800 800 030.
@Keith_Beddoe No need to upgrade,the checker shows the OP is already on FTTC getting 77M
@Beki88 Make sure you have turned off Smart Setup
Are you connecting by Ethernet cable or wifi?
in order for the forum members to help please can you post the stats from your router (if hub enter in your browser) and if HH5 then go to troubleshooting then helpdesk and if HH6/SH2 then advanced settings then technical log information .
as already posted the connection is VDSL Fibre 2 not adsl as you posted. based on dslchecker connection wi running well and well within expected range
Someone may then be able to offer help/assistance/suggestions to your problem