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Message 21 of 25

Re: Upload bandwidth keeps dropping to very slow speed

So I restarted the modem on Monday so I could get work done and it stayed fine at 60 down 20 up until today when it suddenly dropped into the hundreds of Kbps up again.  A restart got it back to 45 down and 1.5 up and it seems to have been improving since (it’s now 60 down / 17 up).  Any further suggestions?  It’s definitely way better since being in the “test” socket - only dropping once a week instead of multiple times per day.

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Message 22 of 25

Re: Upload bandwidth keeps dropping to very slow speed

Just a thought, have you checked for a firmware update for your router?

0 Ratings
Message 23 of 25

Re: Upload bandwidth keeps dropping to very slow speed

Yep, router firmware upgrade was one of the first things I tried.  There’s been another release since then and I upgraded again.  Logging in to the modem itself is what shows the decreased speed (even logged into it direct through network cable from a laptop) so I don’t think it’s router-related.

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Message 24 of 25

Re: Upload bandwidth keeps dropping to very slow speed

And the modem firmware is the latest version too

0 Ratings
Message 25 of 25

Re: Upload bandwidth keeps dropping to very slow speed

Hi again,

The connection remained fairly stable for the last couple of weeks, but it dropped to low upload bandwidth again yesterday and has been all over the place today.  I’ve seen 266kbps up and 20 meg up at various points today.  I’ve even seen it drop to 0 then back to 20 meg then down to 1.3meg in the space of a few minutes.

One thing I’ve noticed in the modem stats is that the SNR is all over the place too.  I’ve just sat and watched it for about 20 minutes and I’ve seen SNR at everything from 1 through to 6.  I’ve been on the quiet line test while watching the SNR move between 4 and 5 and back and didn’t hear anything.

Any other thoughts of things I could try, please?  I’ve seen posts suggesting using an AM radio to track down sources of interference - perhaps I should do that?  My only other thought was that it’s somehow weather-related?  It was hot weather when it first started and it’s been very hot again today.  I’m clutching at straws now but it continues to hamper working from home so I’m keen to get it sorted.

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